On Writing


On Writing

Writing is a skill which can be mastered as effectively as one can learn driving, cooking or making art works. It is often conceived to be a highly cerebral activity and hence painful. This myth can be busted easily if one tries to understand certain technical aspects related to writing. In fact, writing frequently enables the neurons in the brain to send signals at a rapid pace and make more connections between them. This in turn will help one to write better the next time. Simply put, the more you write, the better you get. 

  The difficult part of  writing is ‘what to write on’. It helps to keep a bird’s-eye view on general topics as it would enable one to gather information and build from there if the situation demands. The primary factor, according to me, which can help one to write well is to have a personal bearing to what one writes about. For this reason, the selection of topics must be based on personal interest. One must evaluate the significance of the piece as well before writing. Understanding the purpose of writing (such as academic, research, journal, creative or technical) and knowing the reader also help in framing the write up. 

Once the identification of topic and purpose is done, a proper structure can be given to the write up through planning. Do some research and explore the topic to gather more information, jot down related ideas to be developed into paragraphs, collect evidence or examples where required, and decide how the write up is going to be concluded. Based on the purpose, one can also determine the tone. Objective tone for academic writing and subjective tone for journal-like entries can be adopted.

Create a Unique Style

A personal touch can be given to the write up by adopting select vocabulary, patterns of sentence making and arrangement of ideas in the piece. It is a mentally stimulating activity to add new words to vocabulary and use them in suitable places. One can even keep a book to note down newly read words which will help in recollecting them easily. Word-related games between friends can be made in order to practise using them frequently. One can try to avoid the use of cliches, make sure the observations are unique and original, awaken the imagination of readers through words, cater to the senses of the reader, give details elaborately and use a strong, authentic voice. 

Effective Writing

Effectiveness of writing depends on the skill to raise important issues through persuasive presentation furnished with evidence or examples. Significant information arranged properly using the right choice of words can leave a lasting impression on the reader. A logical structure can be given to the write-up by using clear sentences, connectives and coherent paragraphs. As the proverb goes, brevity is the soul of wit. Learning to convey ideas using the least number of words is like getting good at a game. Using the right verbs in the active voice can make writing effective. One must also be mindful as to avoid common errors.

Avoid Common Mistakes

One of the most common errors when it comes to writing in English is in subject-verb agreement. Learning the singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs can help one to connect the parts of speech correctly. Run-on sentences or clauses have to be connected with right punctuation or words. The use of tense has to be correct and consistent. It is better to stick to active voice unless there is a pressing need to use passive voice. One must use pronouns only if the reference to the noun is clear. Placing of modifiers has to be given care, as misplaced modifiers can create ambiguity. 

Draft, Rewrite, Edit

The first draft can be revised for refined word choice and to reorganise the paragraphs. If need be, the whole piece can be rewritten, to suit the purpose and audience. Editing helps one to do a self-assessment and to fill the gaps. One can also seek the help of peers for editing. But, the first editing has to be done by the writer herself/himself. Any unnecessary element, which does not add to the central idea of the writing, has to be eliminated. Appropriate use of punctuation has to be mastered and employed while writing and editing. Though it may look like a time-consuming process, if one adapts to it, it can be one of the effortless and most rewarding exercises of sorts. 

Enjoy It

If one keeps writing simple sentences with effort, one can definitely improve the skill and master it eventually. Miracles do not happen overnight. But consistent effort will pay off one who wants to learn any life skill. The key is to enjoy the process. As a colleague of mine says, treat your writing like a baby, nourish it, love it. Or one can treat writing as a piece of art to flaunt. However, it is not wise to treat it as a punishment to be endured. 

Happy writing…


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