When Death Culls a Dear One
When Death Culls a Dear One
When Death culls a dear one,
That too an absolutist, given to abundant love for all,
Unfettered by selfish thoughts,
When the sweet sweet one cedes to the final call,
What are we to make of it all?
The tree of life bloomed and bloomed,
To birth a delightful creature as she,
But when did the play of the genes turn chaotic?
When did the malignant cells multiply to seize her strong self?
When the cells inside her go mad,
When her organs shut down one by one,
When the river of life dries up in her,
When she says, "Let me go, I can't..."
At the peak of her pain,
What are we to make of it all?
When her beauteous body is desecrated by cruel Time,
When the story of her life is scoffed at by careless Fate,
When her life becomes an unfounded story,
When her time on earth merges into eternity,
What are we to make of it all?
When random moments bring back her memory,
When cherished memories are surrounded by a deep chasm,
When a silhouette belies her adorable self,
When unfinished conversations pop up in the middle of the night,
What are we to make of it all?
When reason takes away all hopes of meeting in an afterlife,
When the irretrievable loss forms a black hole inside,
Deforming spacetime,
But life must go on,
What are we to make of it all?
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